The burden of proof – There are zero gods
I was discussing the
“burden of proof” the other day. I lost the discussion, but I
learned some things.
The burden of proof is a
philosophical concept where, whoever asserts something (anything),
has to support the claim with evidence. For instance, if you say you
own a race-horse, somebody would want to see you with the horse.
Atheists, all over the
world, are cautious when discussing the existence of gods. Usually,
we say that we reject the claim of gods until there is evidence in
favor of gods. That is, the theists will claim there is a god, and
the burden of proof lies on the theist.
Atheists, normally, do not
say 'there are zero gods', because, then, the burden of proof lies on
the atheist to prove there are none, which seems impossible.
As I don't mind making a
fool out of myself, I will claim that there are no gods. This means
the burden of proof is on me.
What is a god?
My claim relies on the
basic concept of gods; they are supreme beings and have supernatural
powers. The supernatural is defined as being 'beyond scientific
understanding or the laws of nature'. Meaning there either is a 'god
of the gaps' or the laws of nature do not apply to gods.
The idea of a 'god of the
gaps' is not compatible with supreme beings. The gaps in scientific
knowledge are getting smaller. Besides, I don't accept that 'not
understanding' something means it's 'supernatural'. If it can be
repeated and investigated, it will be understood sooner or later...
and it will turn out to be natural. “I don't understand therefore
supernatural” is a non-sequitur logical fallacy.
The idea of a being that
defies the laws of nature is more in line with my idea of what a god
should be. In other words; a god, if he exists, should be capable of
affecting the natural world in such a way that the laws of nature do
not apply while the god doesn't want them to. Levitation, the
suspension of gravity, would be a good example of that... only
scientists have already developed a method of levitation using
The only way for a god to
demonstrate his existence is by deliberately altering the laws of
nature... in a controlled manner. Something that has never been
scientifically documented.
The supernatural is
“beyond the laws of nature”. That could also mean that gods
simply are beyond our scope of observation. Science only observes the
natural world. The supernatural world cannot be observed... by
definition. What I mean is that, the supernatural, if it exists, will
never be observed, as it's beyond any possible future method
of observation. The goal-post will move ever away from us. We can
observe the atoms on a pinhead, but gods will always elude us.
And that's it. Either gods
exist, but can't or won't show themselves. Or gods simply don't
Some people will argue
that the possibility of gods still exists, and they are right, but
nobody doubts that Harry Potter is fantasy... There is the
possibility that Harry Potter is real. You can't rule that out
applying the same logic.
Other fantasies that need debunking as rigorously as Harry Potter are the Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot or Ice Giants (this list is near endless, just like the list of gods).
Another view on the god doesn't exist argument, by a philosopher, so expect long words :-) No, no worries, this is really readable.
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