K-Pg boundary

Creationist "scientists" try to convince people that a global flood once happened because they think their holy book is right. To do that, they ignore scientific facts and they lie about science. One example is the K-Pg boundary.

The K-Pg boundary has a number of characteristics that are evidence for an asteroid impact. A huge asteroid.

The K-Pg boundary layer contains:

  • Iridium - concentration of 30-160 times higher than usual 
  • Shocked quartz - requiring intense pressures 
  • Tektite glass spherules - formed by re-entry of debris into the atmosphere
  • Chromium - isotopic anomalies associated with carbonaceous chondrites
The Chicxulub impact crater has been found near the Yucatan peninsula and is, on average, 180 km in diameter.
  • The boundary layer is thicker near the impact crater
  • More shocked quartz is found closer to the impact crater
  • More tektite glass spherules are found closer to the impact crater
Creationist "scientists" ignore most of these scientific facts and concentrate on the Iridium anomaly saying it may have been caused by volcanoes.

Iridium is, in effect, released by volcanoes and is found in the form of "sublimates"[1], these are deposits formed from volcanic gas. Creationist "scientists" do not explain how sublimates were formed under global flood conditions (under water).

Creationist "scientists" are invited to explain the other scientific facts described above.

=== Edit 19/06/2019 ===

Source: Wikipedia

"Spherules within the fish carcasses at Tanis suggest that the impact event and associated macrofossils were temporally correlated. [2]"

With thanks to @JacksonWheat1
=== End edit 19/06/2019 ===

@FimusTauri has another question about the K-Pg boundary that has not been satisfactory addressed by Creationist "scientists".

As an aside, in 1980, a team lead by Luis Alvarez predicted the existence of an impact crater and the size of the impact crater. The Chicxulub impact crater was found in 1990 and is about the predicted size. Predictions in science are strong indicators of the correctness of scientific hypothesis.

[1] Toutain, J.-P.; Meyer, G. (1989). "Iridium-Bearing Sublimates at a Hot-Spot Volcano (Piton De La Fournaise, Indian Ocean)". Geophysical Research Letters 16 (12): 1391–1394. Bibcode:1989GeoRL..16.1391T. doi:10.1029/GL016i012p01391.

[2] Robert A. DePalma et. al. (2019) "A seismically induced onshore surge deposit at the KPg boundary, North Dakota" PNAS | April 23, 2019 | vol. 116 | no. 17


  1. The terms "creationist" and "scientist" are mutually exlucusive.


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